“Seedlings” is an event to pray for the next year’s good harvest and dance and purify each household as a concluding year and pray for prosperity. In the past, we danced around the houses overnight, but now it varies somewhat for each settlement, but there are many forms of turning around a few houses, mainly newly built houses. In the house we greeted, cooking and drinks are offered and the young and old and old continue to dance until late at night. “Seedlings” is an important event to deepen the friendship of communities.



Dancing on the Tebiro coast. The full moon is also beautiful.

Cooking is delicious as well as seeds



Everyone is energetic



I already have low back pain.



It began around 7 o’clock in the evening. Until two in the morning

7 hours

Repeat dancing, moving, dancing, moving

We stayed up at night.

It was fun to have them participate in the first Amami seeds down.

Please come to Amami next year and please participate in Tebiro Village seeds